Health Hubble is a service to track and collect medical data from personal devices and compile the data in the Electronic Health Record format specified by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 



The Third Wind device is a portable microprocessor-controlled respiratory therapy device which applies Adaptive Oxygen Therapy (AOT) / Intermittent Hypoxic Therapy (IHT) to the patient. AOT has been clinically demonstrated to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension and COPD. Asthma is expected to be the first medical market addressed by Third Wind’s non-pharmaceutical therapeutic device. Multiple clinical trials demonstrate that  vast majority of the most common types of asthma cases can be significantly improved. Third Wind will procure the necessary Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization to sell it as a product with medical efficacy claims.  In addition the Company will seek approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in order to be reimbursed in the US and their international counterparts. AOT is already a popular form of training for athletic and military purposes.  Sometimes referred to by athletes as simulated altitude training, this consumer market segment is not regulated by the FDA and can be marketed as soon as the production device is complete.  This early source of revenue will help fund the development of the medical market.



The SURFSET® Board, the world's first total-body surf trainer designed to mimic the movement of a surfboard on water. The Board is built with an actual custom made surfboard, engineered to allow you to perform a wide array of traditional exercises with the added core benefit of working out on an unstable surface. 

I was tasked with streamlining the design as well as consulting on the technology needed for an interactive interface.  
